Course Calendar
Tuesday 14th Jan 25Introduction to Leadership and Management Target Audience: ELC, Out of School Care, Childminders This is a face to face session to explore leadership and management. The course is a basic introduction to leadership and management designed to give aspiring managers tools and guidance in order to develop their management role. Presenter: Shona O'Connor - Perth and Kinross Council Read more
Tuesday 14th Jan 25ELC Maths Improvement Programme Target Audience: This training offer has been developed in partnership with Education Scotland to support settings who have maths and numeracy as a focus for improvement. The programme takes an improvement methodology approach to identify and target gaps in learners progress. The programme consists of four sessions, all of which must be attended to complete the programme. One representative from each setting is required although it is expected that their work will impact a setting wide improvement. Presenter: Sophie Lowe & Yvonne Somerville Read more
Wednesday 15th Jan 25Digibyte: Microsoft Search Progress & Coach Target Audience: Primary and secondary teachers working with learners who may be using the internet to research. Understanding how to use Microsoft Search Progress and Coach to support learners with searching for information responsibly and effectively. Presenter: Meg Brough - Perth and Kinross Council Aims and Outcomes: Demonstrate how to use this tool in MS Teams. To explore examples of how this can be used in standard classroom practice. To explore how this supports learners with media literacy. Read more
Thursday 16th Jan 25ELC Induction Target Audience: all new ELC staff, including supply PA, ECP and EYPSAs. Course Description: This is a mandatory session for all new staff in local authority early learning and childcare settings. Presenter: Nina Roberts, Carly Williams and Sally McDougall - Perth and Kinross Council. Read more
Monday 20th Jan 25Play on Pedals Target Audience: Practitioners in ELC taking lead for Play on Pedals or Early Years Family Learning Practitioners. Course Description: Play on Pedals will teach pre-school children about the parts of a bike, how to fit a helmet correctly and the basics of looking after their bikes. Through a series of fun and imaginative activities, they will be helped to develop their balance and control skills, often using a pedal-less balance bike. Play on Pedals has strong links to the curriculum for excellence. Presenter: Julie Clark and Sally McDougall - Perth and Kinross Council. Read more
Tuesday 21st Jan 25Child Protection - Basic Awareness Target Audience: ELC, Out of School Care, Childminders This is a face to face session to provide a basic overview of the procedures and the processes used in child protection. The course will cover indicators of abuse, signs and symptoms and support your confidence in responding appropriately. The course will also cover your responsibilities in regard to information sharing and give you a basic understanding of the processes undertaken by statutory services when responding to child protection concerns. Presenter: Shona O'Connor - Perth and Kinross Council Read more
Wednesday 22nd Jan 25Phonological Awareness Target Audience: Participants would also benefit from having completed the CHAT for Schools: Foundation and Communication Friendly Environment training. Phonological awareness is a strong predictor of literacy success and other related outcomes. This course looks at the difference between phonics and phonological awareness, and discusses the difference and the impact that phonological awareness may have on a childs learning. Staff may already know a few activities for rhyming, syllable clapping etc, but this course extends your knowledge of these and allows staff to approach these skills in a more structured way. A baseline measure is discussed which can be used in your classroom. A manual of activities is provided, and the presenters will demonstrate some of these during the session. Feedback from this course has been very positive. Read more
Wednesday 22nd Jan 25Enhanced Support - P1 - Sessions 4-8 Target Audience: Primary 1 and 2 Teachers, Classroom Support Staff, Inclusion Peripatetic Staff. Course Description: These Sessions will continue on from Sessions 1, 2 and 3 with a focus on supporting non- speaking learners in the classroom. This is a multi-agency event with a focus on collaborative planning. Read more
Wednesday 22nd Jan 25Leading Change in Numeracy and Mathematics Target Audience: Early Years, Primary and Secondary Practitioners. Course Description: The Programme is a series of professional learning sessions aimed at those leading change in Numeracy and Mathematics. The sessions will focus on key themes of best use of data, planning for improvement and ways to increase engagement and motivation. Practitioners would be expected to attend all three sessions. Presenter: Denise Doig, ESO - Perth and Kinross Council, TRIC Numeracy ESO's and Yvonne Somerville - Education Scotland Numeracy and Mathematics Officer. Read more
Tuesday 28th Jan 25Positive Relationships Target Audience: ELC, Out of School Care, Childminders This is a face to face session that will provide a framework for supporting children who are experiencing behaviour challenges, to enable them to regulate themselves to the greatest extent possible whilst taking on board your own knowledge, skills and experience. Presenter: Shona O'Connor - Perth and Kinross Council Read more
Tuesday 28th Jan 25TayMaths Spotlight series Target Audience: Early Years, Primary or Secondary. Course Description: Series of numeracy and mathematics professional learning sessions for practitioners across the Tayside Collaborative. These sessions will be held on Tuesdays from 4:00-5:00pm. The series will offer spotlights on a variety of themes e.g. Engaging Learners Facing Numeracy Difficulties, Developing Mathematical Reasoning, Numeracy Rich Environments in Early Years. Presenter: Taymaths Team and Tayside Practitioners. Read more
Tuesday 28th Jan 25Optimising Student Success in the Classroom - Programme Target Audience: Primary and Secondary Teaching staff. Course Description: An Introduction to the use of Retrieval Practice in the classroom. Presenter: Kirsty Dewar and Julie Martin - Perth and Kinross Council. Read more
Tuesday 28th Jan 25PKC Nurturing Relationships - Phases 5 Target Audience: ELC, Primary and Secondary staff who are leading on the Nurturing Relationships Programme within their Schools. This Programme uses an action research model to support schools on their Nurturing Relationships journey. Schools will progress through the six nurture principles, guided by their school leads team over a period of 4+ years. Online training and coaching offered to the school leads team and whole staff training is offered to provide a universal level of understanding of the key concepts of nurture. Read more
Wednesday 29th Jan 25Food Safety Management Target Audience: all ELC and school staff involved in handling food within the playroom or classroom. Course Description: An introduction to food safety management procedures and guidance to support education staff to adhere to legal requirements, maintain accurate records, and embed strict infection control measures into food cooking and preparation activities which take place in the classroom/playroom. Presenter: Carly Williams, Sally McDougall, and Catriona Roberts - Perth and Kinross Council. Read more
Wednesday 29th Jan 25Climate Ready Classrooms (CRC) Primary Target Audience: Primary Teachers Co-delivered between Keep Scotland Beautiful and Highland One World, this CLPL will begin by providing teachers with an overview of the Climate Ready Classroom Primary pupils session and activities. This will be followed by a more in-depth look at the concepts of climate justice and global citizenship that will be introduced to pupils through the workshops, highlighting and sharing resources and ideas to support practitioners to take these topics forward with confidence. Presenter: Keep Scotland Beautiful and Highland One World Read more
Wednesday 29th Jan 25Interacting with Social Partners and Language Partners Target Audience: All staff working with children with social communication difficulties due to possible Autistic Spectrum Disorder. Suitable for children who are either non-verbal or very early communicators. Strategies for supporting interactions with children with ASD who are at the Social Partner or Language Partner stages. Read more
Thursday 30th Jan 25Pre Reg Training for Childminders Target Audience: Anyone that has attended Introduction to Pre Registration for Childminding This is a virtual session and by attending a childminder pre-registration course, this will give you all the information you need to get started as a childminder, including copies of relevant national documents, templates for business paperwork and sample policies. It is beneficial to attend an Introductory session before booking on a course, however, we appreciate that may not always be possible and will do our best to make other arrangements to discuss the topics covered with people who are keen to attend. Presenter: Shona O'Connor - Perth and Kinross Council Read more
Thursday 30th Jan 25SIFA Collaborative Conversation Target Audience: Primary and Secondary - SLT and guidance An opportunity to share practice, jointly problem solve and identify further developments. Presenter: Rhianna Brodie - Perth and Kinross Council Read more
Wednesday 5th Feb 25Applications and Interviews Target Audience: Current and Aspiring Leaders an Fraser (Fraser Consultants) is running a twilight session on application forms and interviews to help school staff at all levels take the next step on their journey towards a promoted post. Presenter: Ian Fraser Aims and Outcomes: The session will focus on effective application forms, preparing for interview and interview behaviours Read more
Wednesday 5th Feb 25A Closer Look at NSA in an ASN and EAL Context Target Audience: Staff supporting pupils with ASN to access NSA testing This course will include content that is relevant when working with children and young people who require additional support with their learning or for whom English is an additional language. It contains details of platform functionality that can be used to support accessibility as well as practical advice on using NSA with children and young people who require additional support with their learning or have English as an additional language (EAL Read more
Thursday 6th Feb 25Cyber Resilience and Internet Safety Webinar Target Audience: Primary Teachers Co-delivered between Keep Scotland Beautiful and Highland One World, this CLPL will begin by providing teachers with an overview of the Climate Ready Classroom Primary pupils session and activities. This will be followed by a more in-depth look at the concepts of climate justice and global citizenship that will be introduced to pupils through the workshops, highlighting and sharing resources and ideas to support practitioners to take these topics forward with confidence. Read more
Thursday 6th Feb 25Introduction to Child Development Target Audience: ELC, Out of School Care, Childminders. Course Description: This course will explore child development, including child development from conception to 12 months, 12 months to 2 years, 3 years to 6 years and 7 to 12 years. You will explore what factors can contribute to healthy development and what factors can contribute to unhealthy development. You will look at what the implications can be in later life and why a good level of development is so important in helping to shape young people. Presenter: Shona O'Connor - Perth and Kinross Council. Read more
Thursday 6th Feb 250-3 Being Me in PKC Target Audience: ELC Practitioners working with under 3's. Course Description: Developing a sound understanding of the key principles of supporting children 0-3. Attachments, baby brain development, schematic play, experiences, interactions and spaces relating to the under 3s. Presenter: Sophie Lowe and Catriona Roberts - Perth and Kinross Council. Read more
Monday 10th Feb 25Moving and Handling Full Training Target Audience: Those supporting with the moving and handling of Children and Young People. Course Description: This session will provide an overview of relevant legislation, and your responsibilities in relation to this. Presenter: Jemma Oswald & Sarah Rhind - Perth and Kinross Council. Read more
Monday 10th Feb 25Child Protection Officer Training Target Audience: all as appropriate You have been nominated to complete training as a Child Protection Officer for your school/establishment or early years setting. This course will clarify procedures regarding the training process. PKC Staff; Perth and Kinross Essential Child protection e- learning. You should have already undertaken the Child Protection Basic Awareness course and completed. This is mandatory before the Child Protection Officer training. Protecting people e-learning modules - Perth & Kinross Council ( There are three additional modules which must be completed: 1. Chronologies 2. Information Sharing, Confidentiality and Consent 3. Professional Curiosity and Challenge Read more
Tuesday 11th Feb 25Exploring GIRFEC and UNCRC Target Audience: ELC, Out of School Care, Childminders This is a face to face session to explore how we can use Getting it Right for Every Child and the UNCRC within your own work settings. Presenter: Shona O'Connor - Perth and Kinross Council Aims and Outcomes: To explore Getting it Right for Every Child (GIRFEC) and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) within our own settings and when planning. The session will encourage practitioners to focus on both documents and explore ways of integrating and embedding them in their daily practice. The session explores the 4 general principles to the UNCRC and where they fit within the SHANARRI Indicators. By the end of the session participants will be more confident in applying GIRFEC and SHANARRI indicators in their day to day practice within their setting. Participants will be able to identify and link the Rights of the Child to the SHANARRI indicators. Read more
Wednesday 12th Feb 25PKC Nurturing Relationships - Phases 5 Target Audience: ELC, Primary and Secondary staff who are leading on the Nurturing Relationships Programme within their Schools. This Programme uses an action research model to support schools on their Nurturing Relationships journey. Schools will progress through the six nurture principles, guided by their school leads team over a period of 4+ years. Online training and coaching offered to the school leads team and whole staff training is offered to provide a universal level of understanding of the key concepts of nurture. Read more
Wednesday 12th Feb 25Reflective Practice - Mental Health Target Audience: School leaders, PT and above. Course Description: Facilitated open discussion of a reflective and coaching nature that does not necessarily seek to find solutions but explores approaches and ways of thinking in a psychologically safe space. Participants will be encouraged to talk about issues of concern and their approach to the role. Facilitation will be by a combination of Educational Psychologist and the Suicide Prevention and Mental Health Co-ordinator. Presenter: Susie Turner and Steve Sweeney - Perth and Kinross Council. Read more
Wednesday 12th Feb 25Solihull Approach - Foundation Training Target Audience: All staff supporting children, young people and their families. Course Description: The Solihull Approach is a framework which helps provide a practical way of working with and supporting families. It aims to increase the emotional health and wellbeing of children and their families, ensuring children have a good emotional start in life whilst supporting parents in a creative and consistent approach. The Solihull Approach helps parents process their own emotions and anxieties allowing them to cope and focus more clearly on how to assist their children's emotions, anxieties and behaviours. There will be an expectation that once the foundation training is completed staff will attend 'Solihull in Practice' sessions. Presenter: Gregory Potter and Elaine Rose - Perth and Kinross Council. Read more
Monday 17th Feb 25Moving and Handling ELC (No hoist) Target Audience: Those supporting with the moving and handling of Children and Young People. Course Description: This session will provide an overview of relevant legislation, and your responsibilities in relation to this. Presenter: Elaine Boyle & Nicola Schelbert - Perth and Kinross Council. Read more
Wednesday 19th Feb 25Speech for Schools Target Audience: Teaching Staff In the UK it is estimated that around 10% of children (2-3 in every class) have some form of persistent speech, language and communication needs (SLCNs). SLCNs come in many forms. This course focuses on supporting children with speech sound difficulties. It discusses expectations of typical speech sound development and the impact of speech sound difficulties in the primary class room. We want to build positive experiences of communication for all children and there are many way to help children with unclear speech. Staff will already be using helpful strategies in class and this course should add to these. It should also provide clarity on when and how to request additional support. We touch on the process of therapy itself to provide insight about intervention for specific speech difficulties and the importance of therapy support. Read more
Thursday 20th Feb 25Risk in Play Target Audience: ELC, Out of School Care, Childminders This session will explore our own play experiences while growing up. The session allows participants to be involved in discussions around a risk benefit approach and the importance of managing risk. There is the opportunity for discussion and the sharing of top tips around developing risk assessments with children. The course also looks at local and national guidance that support risk in play. Read more
Thursday 20th Feb 25Digital Literacy in ELC Improvement Programme Target Audience: Early Years Practitioners. Course Description: This training offer has been offered to support ELC Setting who have digital as a focus for improvement. The programme will involve looking at improvement methodology and how this can be applied to develop digital literacy and skills in ELC. The programme will consist of three sessions and attendance at all three sessions is required to complete the Programme. The expectation is that practitioners set goals to improve on an identified area with regards to digital literacy and skills in ELC and work with their team to achieve this. Presenter: Harriet Benbow, Pauline Linn and Linda Reid - Perth and Kinross Council. Read more
Friday 21st Feb 25Moving and Handling Refresher Target Audience: Those supporting with the moving and handling of Children and Young People. Course Description: This session will provide an overview of relevant legislation, and your responsibilities in relation to this. Presenter: Nicola Schelbert & Diane Robertson - Perth and Kinross Council. Read more
Tuesday 25th Feb 25TayMaths Spotlight series Target Audience: Early Years, Primary or Secondary. Course Description: Series of numeracy and mathematics professional learning sessions for practitioners across the Tayside Collaborative. These sessions will be held on Tuesdays from 4:00-5:00pm. The series will offer spotlights on a variety of themes e.g. Engaging Learners Facing Numeracy Difficulties, Developing Mathematical Reasoning, Numeracy Rich Environments in Early Years. Presenter: Taymaths Team and Tayside Practitioners. Read more
Tuesday 25th Feb 25Scotland's Financial Schools - Secondary Target Audience: Early Years/Primary/Secondary (sessions are tailored to specific sector). Course Description: Young Enterprise Scotland aims to equip all young people with the skills to thrive in life, learning and work. Our Scotlands Financial Schools professional learning programme is designed to support teachers build their confidence in delivering financial education learning experiences to ensure our young people are equipped with appropriate financial skills. The course runs four times throughout the year and consists of two CLPL sessions. We would ask practitioners attend both. Presenter: SFS Team Read more
Wednesday 26th Feb 25Scotland's Financial Schools - Early Years Target Audience: Early Years/Primary/Secondary (sessions are tailored to specific sector). Course Description: Young Enterprise Scotland aims to equip all young people with the skills to thrive in life, learning and work. Our Scotlands Financial Schools professional learning programme is designed to support teachers build their confidence in delivering financial education learning experiences to ensure our young people are equipped with appropriate financial skills. The course runs four times throughout the year and consists of two CLPL sessions. We would ask practitioners attend both. Presenter: SFS Team Read more
Thursday 27th Feb 25Scotland's Financial Schools - Primary Target Audience: Early Years/Primary/Secondary (sessions are tailored to specific sector). Course Description: Young Enterprise Scotland aims to equip all young people with the skills to thrive in life, learning and work. Our Scotlands Financial Schools professional learning programme is designed to support teachers build their confidence in delivering financial education learning experiences to ensure our young people are equipped with appropriate financial skills. The course runs four times throughout the year and consists of two CLPL sessions. We would ask practitioners attend both. Presenter: SFS Team Read more
Tuesday 4th Mar 25Solihull Approach - Foundation Training Target Audience: All staff supporting children, young people and their families. Course Description: The Solihull Approach is a framework which helps provide a practical way of working with and supporting families. It aims to increase the emotional health and wellbeing of children and their families, ensuring children have a good emotional start in life whilst supporting parents in a creative and consistent approach. The Solihull Approach helps parents process their own emotions and anxieties allowing them to cope and focus more clearly on how to assist their children's emotions, anxieties and behaviours. There will be an expectation that once the foundation training is completed staff will attend 'Solihull in Practice' sessions. Presenter: Gregory Potter and Elaine Rose - Perth and Kinross Council. Read more
Tuesday 4th Mar 25Practical Workshop on Using CIRCLE Up, Up, and Away Target Audience: all ELC and Primary 1 staff. Course Description: Practical support for those working in the Early Years to engage with and use the CIRCLE Up, Up, and Away document to support high quality provision for all children that is inclusive, developmentally - appropriate, and secures children's learning and progression. Presenter: Karen Dixon, Pauline Linn and Carly Williams - Perth and Kinross Council . Read more
Thursday 6th Mar 25ELC Induction Target Audience: all new ELC staff, including supply PA, ECP and EYPSAs. Course Description: This is a mandatory session for all new staff in local authority early learning and childcare settings. Presenter: Nina Roberts, Carly Williams and Sally McDougall - Perth and Kinross Council. Read more
Tuesday 11th Mar 25Loose Parts Play Target Audience: All ELC and Primary staff. Description: This session will introduce you to Loose Parts Play as an approach to to developing high quality play opportunities within ELC settings and/or Primary school classes. Presenter: Lee Fairlie and Shona O'Connor - Perth and Kinross Council. Read more
Wednesday 12th Mar 25Digibyte: How to use Book Creator Target Audience: all Staff. Course Description: A quick session on how to use the Book Creator app. Presenter: Meg Brough - Perth and Kinross Council. Read more
Wednesday 12th Mar 25Teaching Children to Listen Target Audience: Teaching Staff Introduction to foundation listening and attention skills. Presenter: Speech and Language Team Aims and Outcomes: Summary- What is TCTL? Demonstration of how to run TCTL groups including session plans and resources. Opportunity for questions and practical planning discussions. Read more
Thursday 13th Mar 25Enhanced Support - P1 - Sessions 4-8 Target Audience: Primary 1 and 2 Teachers, Classroom Support Staff, Inclusion Peripatetic Staff. Course Description: These Sessions will continue on from Sessions 1, 2 and 3 with a focus on supporting non- speaking learners in the classroom. This is a multi-agency event with a focus on collaborative planning. Read more
Monday 17th Mar 25Child Protection - Basic Awareness Target Audience: ELC, Out of School Care, Childminders. Course Description: This is a face to face session to provide a basic overview of the procedures and the processes used in child protection. The course will cover indicators of abuse, signs and symptoms and support your confidence in responding appropriately. The course will also cover your responsibilities in regard to information sharing and give you a basic understanding of the processes undertaken by statutory services when responding to child protection concerns. Presenter: Shona O'Connor - Perth and Kinross Council. Read more
Tuesday 18th Mar 25Play on Pedals Target Audience: Practitioners in ELC taking lead for Play on Pedals or Early Years Family Learning Practitioners. Course Description: Play on Pedals will teach pre-school children about the parts of a bike, how to fit a helmet correctly and the basics of looking after their bikes. Through a series of fun and imaginative activities, they will be helped to develop their balance and control skills, often using a pedal-less balance bike. Play on Pedals has strong links to the curriculum for excellence. Presenter: Julie Clark and Sally McDougall - Perth and Kinross Council. Read more
Wednesday 19th Mar 25ELC Workforce Network Target Audience: all local authority and partner provider ELC staff, including supply PA, ECPs and PSAs, who are keen to update their professional knowledge and practice. Course Description: This new termly professional learning offer will give you the chance to hear about current policy and practice related to working in Early Learning and Childcare. You will have the chance to engage in professional discussion with colleagues and take part in practical sessions which will support you to apply your learning to your practice with children and families. Presenter: Carly Williams, Sally McDougall and Catriona Roberts - Perth and Kinross Council. Read more
Friday 21st Mar 25Outdoor Play and Learning at Westbank ELC Target Audience: Early Level practitioners. Course Description: An opportunity to engage in learning centred around designing and delivering high quality play experiences in the outdoors with a seasonal slant. Presenter: Sally McDougall and Sophie Lowe - Perth and Kinross Council. Read more
Tuesday 25th Mar 25TayMaths Spotlight series Target Audience: Early Years, Primary or Secondary. Course Description: Series of numeracy and mathematics professional learning sessions for practitioners across the Tayside Collaborative. These sessions will be held on Tuesdays from 4:00-5:00pm. The series will offer spotlights on a variety of themes e.g. Engaging Learners Facing Numeracy Difficulties, Developing Mathematical Reasoning, Numeracy Rich Environments in Early Years. Presenter: Taymaths Team and Tayside Practitioners. Read more
Thursday 27th Mar 250-3 Being Me in PKC Target Audience: ELC Practitioners working with under 3's. Course Description: Developing a sound understanding of the key principles of supporting children 0-3. Attachments, baby brain development, schematic play, experiences, interactions and spaces relating to the under 3s. Presenter: Sophie Lowe and Catriona Roberts - Perth and Kinross Council. Read more
Thu 27th Mar 25
toThu 27th Feb 25
Exploring GIRFEC and UNCRC Target Audience: ELC, Out of School Care, Childminders. Course Description: This is a face to face session to explore how we can use Getting it Right for Every Child and the UNCRC within your own work settings. Presenter: Shona O'Connor - Perth and Kinross Council Read more -
Monday 7th Apr 25Solihull Approach - Foundation Training Target Audience: All staff supporting children, young people and their families. Course Description: The Solihull Approach is a framework which helps provide a practical way of working with and supporting families. It aims to increase the emotional health and wellbeing of children and their families, ensuring children have a good emotional start in life whilst supporting parents in a creative and consistent approach. The Solihull Approach helps parents process their own emotions and anxieties allowing them to cope and focus more clearly on how to assist their children's emotions, anxieties and behaviours. There will be an expectation that once the foundation training is completed staff will attend 'Solihull in Practice' sessions. Presenter: Gregory Potter and Elaine Rose - Perth and Kinross Council. Read more
Tuesday 22nd Apr 25Moving and Handling Full Training Target Audience: Those supporting with the moving and handling of Children and Young People. Course Description: This session will provide an overview of relevant legislation, and your responsibilities in relation to this. Presenter: Jemma Oswald & Elaine Boyle - Perth and Kinross Council. Read more
Wednesday 23rd Apr 25Moving and Handling ELC (No hoist) Target Audience: Those supporting with the moving and handling of Children and Young People. Course Description: This session will provide an overview of relevant legislation, and your responsibilities in relation to this. Presenter: Diane Robertson - Perth and Kinross Council. Read more
Thursday 24th Apr 25Positive Relationships Target Audience: ELC, Out of School Care, Childminders. Course Description: This is a face to face session that will provide a framework for supporting children who are experiencing behaviour challenges, to enable them to regulate themselves to the greatest extent possible whilst taking on board your own knowledge, skills and experience. Presenter: Shona O'Connor - Perth and Kinross Council. Read more
Monday 28th Apr 25Moving and Handling Refresher Target Audience: Those supporting with the moving and handling of Children and Young People. Course Description: This session will provide an overview of relevant legislation, and your responsibilities in relation to this. Presenter: Elaine Boyle and Sarah Rhind - Perth and Kinross Council. Read more
Monday 28th Apr 25PEF Planning Support Target Audience: Senior Leaders plus colleagues with an equity remit in school. Course Description: To support schools in the effective use of PEF and take a deeper dive into key areas. Presenter: Eve Moran - Education Scotland. Read more
Tuesday 29th Apr 25TayMaths Spotlight series Target Audience: Early Years, Primary or Secondary. Course Description: Series of numeracy and mathematics professional learning sessions for practitioners across the Tayside Collaborative. These sessions will be held on Tuesdays from 4:00-5:00pm. The series will offer spotlights on a variety of themes e.g. Engaging Learners Facing Numeracy Difficulties, Developing Mathematical Reasoning, Numeracy Rich Environments in Early Years. Presenter: Taymaths Team and Tayside Practitioners. Read more
Tuesday 29th Apr 25Introduction to Child Development Target Audience: ELC, Out of School Care, Childminders. Course Description: This course will explore child development, including child development from conception to 12 months, 12 months to 2 years, 3 years to 6 years and 7 to 12 years. You will explore what factors can contribute to healthy development and what factors can contribute to unhealthy development. You will look at what the implications can be in later life and why a good level of development is so important in helping to shape young people. Presenter: Shona O'Connor - Perth and Kinross Council. Read more
Tuesday 29th Apr 25Digibyte: Get started with OneNote Target Audience: all Staff. Course Description: A quick session on the main features of One Note and how these can be used successfully both in the classroom and for workflow. Presenter: Meg Brough - Perth and Kinross Council. Read more
Wednesday 30th Apr 25Interacting with Social Partners and Language Partners Target Audience: All staff working with children with social communication difficulties due to possible Autistic Spectrum Disorder. Suitable for children who are either non-verbal or very early communicators. Strategies for supporting interactions with children with ASD who are at the Social Partner or Language Partner stages. Read more
Thursday 1st May 25Intro to Pre Reg for Childminding Target Audience: Anyone interested in Childminding This is a virtual session that explores what childminding is and whether this is right for you and your family. It covers the impact of working from your own home. It also looks at the legislation and regulatory body that childminders are registered with. The course goes on and looks at The Health and Social Care Standards, finishing with registering and running a childminders' service. Read more
Tuesday 6th May 25Loose Parts Play Target Audience: All ELC and Primary staff This session will introduce you to Loose Parts Play as an approach to to developing high quality play opportunities within ELC settings and/or Primary school classes. Presenter: Lee Fairlie and Shona O'Connor - Perth and Kinross Council Aims and Outcomes: Raise awareness of the value of loose parts in children's play. Provide practical examples of loose parts play for those who work in either early years settings and/or primary schools. Advocate the use of loose parts play as an approach to developing high quality play opportunities. Understand the benefits of embedding the use of loose parts to enrich children's play, learning and development. Make connections between loose parts play, theory, and key national and local guidance. Read more
Wednesday 7th May 25Closing The Gap Tool Target Audience: All school staff who have a PEF remit and are responsible for completing the Closing the Gap Tool. Course Description: This drop-in session will provide advice and guidance on completing the Closing the Gap Tool and using the Power BI data dashboard. The session will also cover the Education Interventions Tool and how this links to the CTGT. Presenter: Eve Moran - Education Scotland. Read more
Wednesday 7th May 25Reflective Practice - Mental Health Target Audience: School leaders, PT and above. Course Description: Facilitated open discussion of a reflective and coaching nature that does not necessarily seek to find solutions but explores approaches and ways of thinking in a psychologically safe space. Participants will be encouraged to talk about issues of concern and their approach to the role. Facilitation will be by a combination of Educational Psychologist and the Suicide Prevention and Mental Health Co-ordinator. Presenter: Susie Turner and Steve Sweeney - Perth and Kinross Council. Read more
Wednesday 7th May 25Digibyte: How to make a Podcast Target Audience: all Staff. Course Description: A quick session on how to make a podcast with the equipment and software you already have in your setting. Presenter: Meg Brough - Perth and Kinross Council. Read more
Wednesday 7th May 25Supporting Children with Language Difficulties Target Audience: Teaching Staff Children with language difficulties are very common in classrooms and implications for learning and life outcomes are discussed. This session outlines what to look for as well as describing practical strategies for the classroom and signposting to other sources of support. Read more
Thursday 8th May 25Enhanced Support - P1 - Sessions 4-8 Target Audience: Primary 1 and 2 Teachers, Classroom Support Staff, Inclusion Peripatetic Staff. Course Description: These Sessions will continue on from Sessions 1, 2 and 3 with a focus on supporting non- speaking learners in the classroom. This is a multi-agency event with a focus on collaborative planning. Read more
Thursday 8th May 25Mentors in Violence Prevention 2-day course Target Audience: School staff and third sector agencies. Course Description: Mentors in Violence Prevention is an evidence based peer education programme supported by Education Scotland. It is focused on the growing concerns around the level of violence against women and girls in general, but also within the school environment. This course is aimed at schools who are NOT currently delivering the programme, but wish to begin implementation. For new schools, a suggested number of 3-4 staff would need to attend the 2-day course to understand the programme and methods of delivery in school. Presenter: Rachel Rennie - Perth and Kinross Council. Read more
Thursday 8th May 25Introduction to Leadership and Management Target Audience: ELC, Out of School Care, Childminders. Course Description: This is a face to face session to explore leadership and management. The course is a basic introduction to leadership and management designed to give aspiring managers tools and guidance in order to develop their management role. Presenter: Shona O'Connor - Perth and Kinross Council. Read more
Monday 12th May 25Scotland's Financial Schools - Early Years Target Audience: Early Years/Primary/Secondary (sessions are tailored to specific sector). Course Description: Young Enterprise Scotland aims to equip all young people with the skills to thrive in life, learning and work. Our Scotlands Financial Schools professional learning programme is designed to support teachers build their confidence in delivering financial education learning experiences to ensure our young people are equipped with appropriate financial skills. The course runs four times throughout the year and consists of two CLPL sessions. We would ask practitioners attend both. Presenter: SFS Team Read more
Tuesday 13th May 25Scotland's Financial Schools - Primary Target Audience: Early Years/Primary/Secondary (sessions are tailored to specific sector). Course Description: Young Enterprise Scotland aims to equip all young people with the skills to thrive in life, learning and work. Our Scotlands Financial Schools professional learning programme is designed to support teachers build their confidence in delivering financial education learning experiences to ensure our young people are equipped with appropriate financial skills. The course runs four times throughout the year and consists of two CLPL sessions. We would ask practitioners attend both. Presenter: SFS Team Read more
Tuesday 13th May 25Artificial Intelligence in School Target Audience: All staff. Course Description: A robust overview of the use of AI for educators: the do's, the don'ts and the 'what ifs?' Presenter: Meg Brough - Perth and Kinross Council. Read more
Wednesday 14th May 250-3 Being Me in PKC Target Audience: ELC Practitioners working with under 3's. Course Description: Developing a sound understanding of the key principles of supporting children 0-3. Attachments, baby brain development, schematic play, experiences, interactions and spaces relating to the under 3s. Presenter: Sophie Lowe and Catriona Roberts - Perth and Kinross Council. Read more
Wednesday 14th May 25Scotland's Financial Schools - Secondary Target Audience: Early Years/Primary/Secondary (sessions are tailored to specific sector). Course Description: Young Enterprise Scotland aims to equip all young people with the skills to thrive in life, learning and work. Our Scotlands Financial Schools professional learning programme is designed to support teachers build their confidence in delivering financial education learning experiences to ensure our young people are equipped with appropriate financial skills. The course runs four times throughout the year and consists of two CLPL sessions. We would ask practitioners attend both. Presenter: SFS Team Read more
Wednesday 14th May 25Verbal Comprehension and Comprehension Monitoring Target Audience: It is useful for all children but particularly at upper primary levels and those who are transitioning to Secondary. This course gives some awareness raising of the features and impact of poor verbal understanding. It provides a programme to follow with these children as a targeted approach, and allows time to explore resources to use. We are working on some video material to demonstrate the work. Feedback from other education staff has been very positive and shows an impact on children, increasing their class participation, confidence and self esteem. Read more
Thursday 15th May 25Mentors in Violence Prevention 1-day capacity building course Target Audience: School staff and third sector agencies. Course Description: Mentors in Violence Prevention is an evidence based peer education programme supported by Education Scotland. It is focused on the growing concerns around the level of violence against women and girls in general, but also within the school environment. This course is aimed at schools who are currently implementing the programme in schools but require more staff trained in the approach. Presenter: Rachel Rennie - Perth and Kinross Council. Read more
Thursday 15th May 25Exploring GIRFEC and UNCRC Target Audience: ELC, Out of School Care, Childminders. Course Description: This is a face to face session to explore how we can use Getting it Right for Every Child and the UNCRC within your own work settings. Presenter: Shona O'Connor - Perth and Kinross Council Read more
Tuesday 20th May 25TayMaths Spotlight series Target Audience: Early Years, Primary or Secondary. Course Description: Series of numeracy and mathematics professional learning sessions for practitioners across the Tayside Collaborative. These sessions will be held on Tuesdays from 4:00-5:00pm. The series will offer spotlights on a variety of themes e.g. Engaging Learners Facing Numeracy Difficulties, Developing Mathematical Reasoning, Numeracy Rich Environments in Early Years. Presenter: Taymaths Team and Tayside Practitioners. Read more
Tuesday 20th May 25Play on Pedals Target Audience: Practitioners in ELC taking lead for Play on Pedals or Early Years Family Learning Practitioners. Course Description: Play on Pedals will teach pre-school children about the parts of a bike, how to fit a helmet correctly and the basics of looking after their bikes. Through a series of fun and imaginative activities, they will be helped to develop their balance and control skills, often using a pedal-less balance bike. Play on Pedals has strong links to the curriculum for excellence. Presenter: Julie Clark and Sally McDougall - Perth and Kinross Council. Read more
Thursday 22nd May 25Child Protection - Basic Awareness Target Audience: ELC, Out of School Care, Childminders This is a face to face session to provide a basic overview of the procedures and the processes used in child protection. The course will cover indicators of abuse, signs and symptoms and support your confidence in responding appropriately. The course will also cover your responsibilities in regard to information sharing and give you a basic understanding of the processes undertaken by statutory services when responding to child protection concerns. Read more
Thursday 22nd May 25ELC Induction Target Audience: all new ELC staff, including supply PA, ECP and EYPSAs. Course Description: This is a mandatory session for all new staff in local authority early learning and childcare settings. Presenter: Nina Roberts, Carly Williams and Sally McDougall - Perth and Kinross Council. Read more
Thursday 22nd May 25SIFA Collaborative Conversation Target Audience: Primary and Secondary - SLT and guidance. Course Description: An opportunity to share practice, jointly problem solve and identify further developments. Presenter: Rhianna Brodie - Perth and Kinross Council. Read more
Friday 23rd May 25Outdoor Play and Learning at Westbank ELC Target Audience: Early Level practitioners. Course Description: An opportunity to engage in learning centred around designing and delivering high quality play experiences in the outdoors with a seasonal slant. Presenter: Sally McDougall and Sophie Lowe - Perth and Kinross Council. Read more
Tuesday 27th May 25Risk in Play Target Audience: ELC, Out of School Care, Childminders. Course Description: This session will explore our own play experiences while growing up. The session allows participants to be involved in discussions around a risk benefit approach and the importance of managing risk. There is the opportunity for discussion and the sharing of top tips around developing risk assessments with children. The course also looks at local and national guidance that support risk in play. Presenter: Shona O'Connor - Perth and Kinross Council. Read more
Wednesday 28th May 25Visuals for the Classroom Target Audience: All Staff This training will provide you with the information on why visual supports can be helpful in the classroom and give practical ideas on the types of visual supports you might use and how. Presenter: Speech and Language Team Aims and Outcomes: Develop understanding of using visuals for environmental and communication support. Understand why we use visuals to support children with SLCN. Able to identify which visuals are used and for what purpose. Understand how to use visuals to help with routines but also how to help develop language skills. Read more
Wednesday 4th Jun 25Positive Relationships Target Audience: ELC, Out of School Care, Childminders. Course Description: This is a face to face session that will provide a framework for supporting children who are experiencing behaviour challenges, to enable them to regulate themselves to the greatest extent possible whilst taking on board your own knowledge, skills and experience. Presenter: Shona O'Connor - Perth and Kinross Council. Read more
Wednesday 4th Jun 25ELC Workforce Network Target Audience: all local authority and partner provider ELC staff, including supply PA, ECPs and PSAs, who are keen to update their professional knowledge and practice. Course Description: This new termly professional learning offer will give you the chance to hear about current policy and practice related to working in Early Learning and Childcare. You will have the chance to engage in professional discussion with colleagues and take part in practical sessions which will support you to apply your learning to your practice with children and families. Presenter: Carly Williams, Sally McDougall and Catriona Roberts - Perth and Kinross Council. Read more
Thursday 5th Jun 25PKC Nurturing Relationships - Phases 5 Target Audience: ELC, Primary and Secondary staff who are leading on the Nurturing Relationships Programme within their Schools. This Programme uses an action research model to support schools on their Nurturing Relationships journey. Schools will progress through the six nurture principles, guided by their school leads team over a period of 4+ years. Online training and coaching offered to the school leads team and whole staff training is offered to provide a universal level of understanding of the key concepts of nurture. Read more
Monday 9th Jun 25Child Protection Officer Training Target Audience: all as appropriate You have been nominated to complete training as a Child Protection Officer for your school/establishment or early years setting. This course will clarify procedures regarding the training process. PKC Staff; Perth and Kinross Essential Child protection e- learning. You should have already undertaken the Child Protection Basic Awareness course and completed. This is mandatory before the Child Protection Officer training. Protecting people e-learning modules - Perth & Kinross Council ( There are three additional modules which must be completed: 1. Chronologies 2. Information Sharing, Confidentiality and Consent 3. Professional Curiosity and Challenge Read more
Tuesday 10th Jun 25Pre Reg Training for Childminders Target Audience: Anyone that has attended Introduction to Pre Registration for Childminding This is a virtual session and by attending a childminder pre-registration course, this will give you all the information you need to get started as a childminder, including copies of relevant national documents, templates for business paperwork and sample policies. It is beneficial to attend an Introductory session before booking on a course, however, we appreciate that may not always be possible and will do our best to make other arrangements to discuss the topics covered with people who are keen to attend. Read more
Wednesday 11th Jun 25Food Safety Management Target Audience: all ELC and school staff involved in handling food within the playroom or classroom. Course Description: An introduction to food safety management procedures and guidance to support education staff to adhere to legal requirements, maintain accurate records, and embed strict infection control measures into food cooking and preparation activities which take place in the classroom/playroom. Presenter: Carly Williams, Sally McDougall, and Catriona Roberts - Perth and Kinross Council. Read more
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