Inclusive Practices
CALM Theory Online Target Audience: all CALM’s Core Theory Online Course will help you understand behaviours that challenge, and how to reduce – and prevent – those behaviours over time. With a focus on prevention and reduction of restrictive responses, CALM Core Theory will also teach you how to confidently manage a crisis if and when it occurs.
View course detailsThe CALM Core Theory Online Course is designed to take you on a journey. You will be guided to look at the root of what is often called challenging behaviour – what we prefer to refer to as distress presenting as challenging behaviour, or behaviour that challenge. You’ll reflect on how you think and feel when exposed to such behaviour, and we’ll discuss best practices regarding what we can do individually and collectively. We will also look at how we can best support ourselves and our team members. We know your job is not easy, and focusing on the wellbeing of all is the key to realising your vision of support and care.
What is involved:
Work through the online units at times that suit your schedule. There are 8 self-study online units. Each module is assessed and tracked online.
Join a passionate cohort of like-minded individuals for our LIVE seminar component. Each course will finish with a live seminar to draw learning together and allow for reflection, group discussion, connection to practice and for questions to be posed and answered.
Takes 12 hours in total.
What you will learn:
Book here: Link TBC |
CIRCLE Collaborative Conversation Target Audience: Primary and Secondary An opportunity to share practice, jointly problem solve and identify further developments. View course detailsDate, Time and Venue: 10 March 2025 - 4.00pm - 5.00pm - online MS Teams
Presenter: Julie Martin - Perth and Kinross Council
Aims and Outcomes:
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ELC Nurture Pilot Programme: 'Nurturing Relationships' Target Audience: Partner Provider Early Learning and Childcare settings only PKC Nurturing Relationships team are delighted to offer a 6-month training Programme for Practitioners within ELC partner providers settings. The training offers an introduction to the key theory which underpins nurturing approaches and the Six Nurture Principles. View course detailsDate, Time and Venue: Module 1: 1 November-11 December 2024 - e-learning Reflective session 1 - 12 December 2024 - 6.00-7.00pm - Ms Teams
Module 2: 13 December 2024-19 February 2025 - e-learning Reflective session 2 - 20 February 2025 - 6.00-7.00pm - Ms Teams
Module 3: 21 February-2 April 2025 - e-learning Reflective session 3 - 3 April 2025 - 6.00-7.00pm - Ms Teams
Module 4: 4 April-14 May 2025 - e-learning Reflective session 4 - 15 May 2025 - in-person, venue TBC
Please note: e-learning can be completed anytime between dates detailed.
Presenter: Rachel Rennie and Leah Smart - Perth and Kinross Council
Aim: To promote understanding of the core concepts and theory underpinning the PKC Nurturing Relationships approach within Early Learning establishments and childcare providers. Outcome: Children and ELC settings benefitting from Practitioners who are increasingly confident in delivering nurturing approaches.
Book here: Applications for the course are welcomed via Microsoft Form Nurture Pilot Programme ‘Nurturing Relationships’ |
Enhanced Support - P1 - Sessions 4-8 Target Audience: Primary 1 and 2 Teachers, Classroom Support Staff, Inclusion Peripatetic Staff These Sessions will continue on from Sessions 1, 2 and 3 with a focus on supporting non- speaking learners in the classroom. This is a multi-agency event with a focus on collaborative planning. View course detailsDate, Time and Venue: Session 4 - 2 October 2024 Session 5 - 11 December 2024 Session 6 - 22 January 2025 Session 7 - 13 March 2025 Session 8 - 8 May 2025 All sessions are 3.30-5.00pm - 2 High Street, Perth.
Inclusion Co-ordinator: Kirsty Lockhart - Perth and Kinross Council
Aims and Outcomes: School staff will feel confident and supported in meeting the needs of children with complex needs.
Book here: This is an invite only course - Microsoft form link sent directly to participants. |
Interacting with Social Partners and Language Partners Target Audience: All staff working with children with social communication difficulties due to possible Autistic Spectrum Disorder. Suitable for children who are either non-verbal or very early communicators. Strategies for supporting interactions with children with ASD who are at the Social Partner or Language Partner stages. View course detailsDate, Time and Venue: 29 January 2025 - 3.30pm - 5.00pm - online Ms Teams 30 April 2025 - 3.30pm - 5.00pm - online Ms Teams
Presenter: Speech and Language Team
Aims and Outcomes: Increase knowledge around how to develop communication skills in non-verbal children. Be able to identify the stages of early communication. Be able to understand how to create opportunities that will improve joint interaction.
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Moving and Handling - Full Training Target Audience: Those supporting with the moving and handling of Children and Young People. This session will provide an overview of relevant legislation, and your responsibilities in relation to this. View course detailsDate, Time and Venue: 10 February 2025 - 9.00am - 2.50pm - Woodlea Cottage, Perth Presenter: Jemma Oswald & Sarah Rhind - Perth and Kinross Council 22 April 2025 - 9.00am - 2.50pm - Woodlea Cottage, Perth Presenter: Jemma Oswald & Elaine Boyle - Perth and Kinross Council |
Moving and Handling - Refresher Target Audience: Those supporting with the moving and handling of Children and Young People. This session will provide an overview of relevant legislation, and your responsibilities in relation to this. View course detailsDate, Time and Venue: 21 February 2025 - 9.00am - 1.00pm - Woodlea Cottage, Perth Presenter: Nicola Schelbert & Diane Robertson - Perth and Kinross Council 28 April 2025 - 9.00am - 1.00pm - Woodlea Cottage, Perth Presenter: Elaine Boyle and Sarah Rhind - Perth and Kinross Council
Aims and Outcomes: TBC
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Moving and Handling Nursery - No Hoist Target Audience: Those supporting with the moving and handling of Children and Young People. This session will provide an overview of relevant legislation, and your responsibilities in relation to this.
View course detailsDate, Time and Venue: 17 February 2025- 9.00am - 1.00pm - Woodlea Cottage, Perth Presenter: Elaine Boyle & Nicola Schelbert - Perth and Kinross Council 23 April 2025 - 9.00am - 1.00pm - Woodlea Cottage, Perth Presenter: Diane Robertson - Perth and Kinross Council
Aims and Outcomes: TBC
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MVP Conference - Promoting Positive Masculinity Target Audience: Primary and secondary school staff and appropriate third sector agencies. Collaborative conference to consider how we can come together to support and promote positive masculinity in Perth and Kinross. View course detailsDate, Time and Venue: 30 May 2025, 9.30am - 4.15pm - Salutation Hotel, South Street, Perth
Presenter: Rachel Rennie
Aims and Outcomes: Provide an opportunity to hear more about the current issues relating to promoting positive masculinity. Provide appropriate opportunities to think about our current standard and offer in Perth and Kinross. Consider what we can do within our current role to make positive changes toward promoting positive masculinity.
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Phonological Awareness Target Audience: Participants would also benefit from having completed the CHAT for Schools: Foundation and Communication Friendly Environment training. Phonological awareness is a strong predictor of literacy success and other related outcomes. This course looks at the difference between phonics and phonological awareness, and discusses the difference and the impact that phonological awareness may have on a child’s learning. Staff may already know a few activities for rhyming, syllable clapping etc, but this course extends your knowledge of these and allows staff to approach these skills in a more structured way. A baseline measure is discussed which can be used in your classroom. A manual of activities is provided, and the presenters will demonstrate some of these during the session. Feedback from this course has been very positive. View course detailsDate, Time and Venue: 22 January 2025 - 3.30pm - 5.00pm - Online MS Teams
Presenter: Speech and Language Team
Aims and Outcomes: Recognise the importance of phonological awareness in a child’s development. Prioritise phonological awareness in the classroom curriculum. Identify children in need of targeted phonological awareness. Know how to implement appropriate phonological awareness activities with children in a classroom or in a targeted group.
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PKC Nurturing Relationships – Phases 5 Target Audience: ELC, Primary and Secondary staff who are leading on the Nurturing Relationships Programme within their Schools. This Programme uses an action research model to support schools on their Nurturing Relationships journey. Schools will progress through the six nurture principles, guided by their school leads team over a period of 4+ years. Online training and coaching offered to the school leads team and whole staff training is offered to provide a universal level of understanding of the key concepts of nurture. View course detailsDate, Time and Venue: School Leads Training - 28 January 25 - 3.45pm - 5.15pm - Online MS Teams Whole School Core Training - 12 February 25 - 9.30am - 12.00pm - Online MS Team Phase 5 Coaching Session - 5 June 25 - 3.45pm - 5.00pm - Online MS Team
Presenter: Rachel Rennie and Leah Smart - Perth and Kinross Council
Aims and Outcomes: 1. To improve wellbeing and promote resilience through an emphasis on quality relationships within the whole school community. 2. To promote individual and collective understanding and confidence in the importance of nurturing relationships. 3. To enhance progression in learning through applying nurture as a whole school approach. 4. To use implementation science to promote nurturing approaches, support developing practice and ensure sustainability.
For information only: The closing date is Friday 20th December |
Positive Relationships Target Audience: ELC, Out of School Care, Childminders This is a face to face session that will provide a framework for supporting children who are experiencing behaviour challenges, to enable them to regulate themselves to the greatest extent possible whilst taking on board your own knowledge, skills and experience. View course detailsDate, Time and Venue: 28 January 2025 - 6.30pm - 8.30pm - North Inch Community Campus, Perth 24 April 2025 - 6.30pm - 8.30pm - North Inch Community Campus, Perth 4 June 2025 - 6.30pm - 8.30pm - North Inch Community Campus, Perth
Presenter: Shona O'Connor - Perth and Kinross Council
Aims and Outcomes: To support practitioners who want to have a better understanding of how to respond to children. The course will provide discussions around self-regulation and how this can be used when supporting children who are experiencing challenges. The session will give the opportunity to explore top tips but also take on board, participants own knowledge skills, experience and sharing good practice.
By the end of the course participants should be able to understand what might cause challenging relationships and how to build positive relationships. Participants should be able to communicate more clearly and effectively, allowing them to take back the skills they have learned and implement within their setting. Participants will have a greater understanding of different strategies and techniques when responding to children.
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Practical Workshop on using CIRCLE Up, Up, and Away Target Audience: All ELC and Primary 1 staff Practical support for those working in the Early Years to engage with and use the CIRCLE Up, Up, and Away document to support high quality provision for all children that is inclusive, developmentally - appropriate, and secures children's learning and progression. View course detailsDate, Time and Venue: 4 March 2025 - 4.00pm - 6.00pm - North Inch Community Campus, Perth
Presenter: Pauline Linn and Carly Williams - Perth and Kinross Council
Aims and Outcomes: Increase knowledge of the CIRCLE Up, Up, and Away document. Increase understanding of how to practically apply the document to improve the ELC provision offered in practice. Increase confidence to use the resource as a tool to support children with a range of ASN in the Early Years.
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Reflective Practice - Relationships and Behaviour Target Audience: Education Practitioners in Primary or Secondary schools who have undertaken key pieces of PKC professional learning in the area of Relationships and Wellbeing, and who wish to adopt a practitioner enquiry approach to embedding practice. Series of 4 termly sessions to support practitioner enquiry, share good practice and promote networking in the area of Relationships and Behaviour. The sessions would be a mixture of reflection on relevant professional learning, input on practitioner enquiry, feedback and review of practice, and input on a theme, with a practical application focus. Facilitated by Educational Psychologists. View course detailsDate, Time and Venue: 26 September 2024; 5 December 2024; 13 March 2025 and 22 May 2025 - 9.00-11.00am - venue in Perth TBC Note: This is a Programme and all sessions must be attended.
Presenter: Educational Psychology Service - Perth and Kinross Council
Aims and Outcomes: Participants will reflect on CLPL in the area of Relationships & Behaviour, and its application to practice. Participants will conduct and reflect on practitioner enquiry in an area of interest, involving the application of professional learning around Relationships and Behaviour.
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Solihull Approach - Foundation Training Target Audience: All staff supporting children, young people and their families. The Solihull Approach is a framework which helps provide a practical way of working with and supporting families. It aims to increase the emotional health and wellbeing of children and their families, ensuring children have a good emotional start in life whilst supporting parents in a creative and consistent approach. The Solihull Approach helps parents process their own emotions and anxieties allowing them to cope and focus more clearly on how to assist their children's emotions, anxieties and behaviours. There will be an expectation that once the foundation training is completed staff will attend 'Solihull in Practice' sessions. View course detailsTraining Group 4 Date: 8, 15 and 22 January 2025 To complete the foundation training there is a minimum of 12 hours of learning, this includes:
• 3 hour e-learning, this should be completed before attending the first session, this can be completed in segments.
• Session 1 – 8 January 2025 - 2.30pm - 5.30pm - in person, Perth Grammar School
• 1 hour learning to be completed before session 2.
• Session 2 – 15 January 2025 - 2.30pm - 5.30pm - virtual MS Teams
• Session 3 – 22 January 2025 - 2.30pm - 5.30pm - virtual MS Teams
Presenter: Gregory Potter and Elaine Rose - Perth and Kinross Council
Training Group 5 Date: 12 and 27 February 2025 To complete the foundation training there is a minimum of 12 hours of learning, this includes:
• 3 hour e-learning, this should be completed before attending the first session, this can be completed in segments.
• Session 1 – 12 February 2025 - 9.30am - 4.30pm - in person, Coupar Angus PS
• 1 hour learning to be completed before session 2.
• Session 2 – 27 February 2025 - 6.00pm - 9.00pm - virtual MS Teams
Presenter: Shona O'Connor and Carly Williams - Perth and Kinross Council
Training Group 6 Date: 4, 11 and 17 March 2025 To complete the foundation training there is a minimum of 12 hours of learning, this includes:
• 3 hour e-learning, this should be completed before attending the first session, this can be completed in segments.
• Session 1 – 4 March 2025 - 2.30pm - 5.30pm - in person, venue TBC
• 1 hour learning to be completed before session 2.
• Session 2 – 11 March 2025 - 2.30pm - 5.30pm - virtual MS Teams
• Session 3 – 18 March 2025 - 2.30pm - 5.30pm - virtual MS Teams
Presenter: Gregory Potter and Claire Reid - Perth and Kinross Council
Training Group 7 Date: 7 and 10 April 2025 To complete the foundation training there is a minimum of 12 hours of learning, this includes:
• 3 hour e-learning, this should be completed before attending the first session, this can be completed in segments.
• Session 1 – 7 April 2025 - 9.30am - 4.00pm - in person, venue TBC
• 1 hour learning to be completed before session 2.
• Session 2 – 10 April 2025 - 9.30am - 4.00pm - in person, venue TBC
Presenter: Gregory Potter and Rhona Cameron - Perth and Kinross Council
Aims and Outcomes: Introduce practitioners to the Solihull Approach model as applied to working with babies, young children, young people and their families. Introduce practitioners to the developmental effects of childhood trauma in relation to working with children and their families. Introduce a model for understanding the impact of relationships on health and wellbeing and the impact of adverse childhood experiences on health and wellbeing.
Practitioners will be more confident to support children, young people and their families. Practitioners will be more aware of the impact of trauma. Practitioners will have an effective and consistent approach across agencies as a shared framework.
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Solution Focused Approaches Target Audience: Secondary and Primary Support Staff and Teachers Solution focused approaches can be used with individuals or groups to support engagement and goal setting. Participants will understand the principles underlying solution focused approaches, and practice a range of tools. View course detailsDate, Time and Venue: Session 1: 20 November 2024 - 9.00am - 11.00am - 2 High Street, Perth - Room 415 Session 2: 22 January 2025 - 9.00pm - 11.00pm - 2 High Street, Perth - Room 415 Session 3: 19 March 2025 - 9.00pm - 11.00pm - 2 High Street, Perth - Room 415 Note: all 3 sessions must be attended to complete the Programme
Presenter: Rachel Rennie and Julie Martin - Perth and Kinross Council
Aims: To share information about solution focused approaches and how they can be used to support engagement, to support consideration of how solution focused approaches can be used in participants' practice. Outcomes: Participants will understand the principles underlying solution focused approaches. Participants will have knowledge of and have practiced a range of tools that form part of a solution focused approach. Participants will feel confident adapting the approach according to the young person they are working with and the progress made towards goals.
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Speech and Language Training Menu All education settings will have children who have Speech, Language and Communication Needs. The Speech and Language Therapy service aims to provide training to allow Education staff to support these children as best as possible by providing information and strategies for you to use on a day to day basis.
For further information, please view our Speech and Language training menu.
Speech for Schools Target Audience: Teaching Staff In the UK it is estimated that around 10% of children (2-3 in every class) have some form of persistent speech, language and communication needs (SLCN’s). SLCN’s come in many forms. This course focuses on supporting children with speech sound difficulties. It discusses expectations of typical speech sound development and the impact of speech sound difficulties in the primary class room. We want to build positive experiences of communication for all children and there are many way to help children with unclear speech. Staff will already be using helpful strategies in class and this course should add to these. It should also provide clarity on when and how to request additional support. We touch on the process of therapy itself to provide insight about intervention for specific speech difficulties and the importance of therapy support. View course detailsDate, Time and Venue: 19 February 2025 - 3.30pm - 5.00pm - Online MS Teams
Presenter: Speech and Language Team
Aims and Outcomes: Understand the importance of clear speech in a child’s development. Recognise when a child’s speech is causing them a specific difficulty. Know how to support the chid with speech difficulties in the classroom and how to access and prioritise further support if needed.
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Supporting Children with Language Difficulties Target Audience: Teaching Staff Children with language difficulties are very common in classrooms and implications for learning and life outcomes are discussed. This session outlines what to look for as well as describing practical strategies for the classroom and signposting to other sources of support. View course detailsDate, Time and Venue: 7 May 2025 – 3.30pm to 5.00pm - Online MS Teams
Presenter: Speech and Language Team
Aims and Outcomes:
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Supporting the Learning and Development of Boys in the ELC Setting - Closing the Gender Attainment Gap Target Audience: ELC Practitioners and Leaders, Early Primary School Teachers and Support Staff During this training, you will hear about the gaps in developmental milestone data between boys and girls in ELC settings. You will explore how unconscious gender bias can impact on interactions and provision in ELC settings, and discuss with colleagues how to ensure the needs of boys are met in your ELC setting. Signposting to up to date reading and research will also be provided. View course detailsDate, Time and Venue: 12 February 2025 - 1.00pm - 3.00pm - venue TBC
Presenter: Nina Roberts and Sally McDougall - Perth and Kinross Council
Aims and Outcomes:
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Teaching Children to Listen Target Audience: Teaching Staff Introduction to foundation listening and attention skills. View course detailsDate, Time and Venue: 12 March 2025 - 3.30pm - 5.00pm - online MS Teams
Presenter: Speech and Language Team
Aims and Outcomes: Summary- What is TCTL? Demonstration of how to run TCTL groups including session plans and resources. Opportunity for questions and practical planning discussions.
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Verbal Comprehension and Comprehension Monitoring Target Audience: It is useful for all children but particularly at upper primary levels and those who are transitioning to Secondary. This course gives some awareness raising of the features and impact of poor verbal understanding. It provides a programme to follow with these children as a targeted approach, and allows time to explore resources to use. We are working on some video material to demonstrate the work. Feedback from other education staff has been very positive and shows an impact on children, increasing their class participation, confidence and self esteem. View course detailsDate, Time and Venue: 14 May 2025 - 3.30pm - 5.00pm - online MS Teams
Presenter: Speech and Language Team
Aims and Outcomes: Comprehension Monitoring is appropriate for people working with children with the following difficulties: Understanding and remembering instructions and information. Understanding concepts for learning and new vocabulary. Asking for help and are dependent on adults to aid their comprehension. Understanding the importance of good questioning and enables staff to direct questions at the child's level of understanding
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Visuals for the Classroom Target Audience: All Staff This training will provide you with the information on why visual supports can be helpful in the classroom and give practical ideas on the types of visual supports you might use and how. View course detailsDate, Time and Venue: 28 May 2025 - 3.30pm - 5.00pm - online Ms Teams
Presenter: Speech and Language Team
Aims and Outcomes: Develop understanding of using visuals for environmental and communication support. Understand why we use visuals to support children with SLCN. Able to identify which visuals are used and for what purpose. Understand how to use visuals to help with routines but also how to help develop language skills.
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